Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sligo County, Ireland

Map of Ireland, Pin-pointing Sligo

Image of North Sligo, Ireland Town from

From Beth on Friday, March 28, 2008

Beth and Jill at a Neolithic tomb. Huge round mound of rock and dirt. The size of a movie theatre.

Hi Dad,

Glad you could get on computer where you are. We are in Sligo this morning at a very expensive internet cafe (2 Euros for 1/2 hour! and we had to pay 1.20 Euros to park) We are going to check out the Carrowmore prehistoric cemetery (7,500 years old) oldest free-standing structure in Ireland and second oldest in Europe Some of the graves pre-date the pyramids in Egypt.

Before we head to Northern Ireland for two nights (first stop Derry (Londonderry) "the walled city". I don't think I will get on the Internet while we are in Northern Ireland because they are on the pound there which is a horrible exchange rate for the dollar right now (or forever - who knows?!) so probably will get back on when we get back down to the Republic of Ireland for our last two days here at Newgrange, unless I find a REALLY good deal on service up north. I have a lot of things to post but can't afford to get them to you right now. Hopefully, you won't mind back-posting things when I get them to you.
We stayed at a really great hostel last night in Sligo - sort of a throwback to the seventies with older local people who were a wealth of information and also very entertaining - we ended up staying "in" for the night because the conversation and company were so good!

Then, as we were heading up to bed, one of the guys running the place (Bill, and slightly younger version of Christopher Lloyd with a very mad scientist hairstyle thing going on) had just come back form a gig down the street with his violin and decided to give us an impromptu mini-show. It was great and just what we needed on a very cold (hailing) and super-windy night. We just sat in comfy chairs and on couches with our hot tea and relaxed.

The place was very clean, quiet, and like being in someone's private home - a nice break from the massive crowds and rugby team/school holiday groups we have been encountering. Please post the above when you get a chance -- it is for 3/28/08, Friday.
Thank you and I love you and have fun at your gig!

Love, Beth

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