Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sligo County, Ireland

Map of Ireland, Pin-pointing Sligo

Image of North Sligo, Ireland Town from

From Beth on Friday, March 28, 2008

Beth and Jill at a Neolithic tomb. Huge round mound of rock and dirt. The size of a movie theatre.

Hi Dad,

Glad you could get on computer where you are. We are in Sligo this morning at a very expensive internet cafe (2 Euros for 1/2 hour! and we had to pay 1.20 Euros to park) We are going to check out the Carrowmore prehistoric cemetery (7,500 years old) oldest free-standing structure in Ireland and second oldest in Europe Some of the graves pre-date the pyramids in Egypt.

Before we head to Northern Ireland for two nights (first stop Derry (Londonderry) "the walled city". I don't think I will get on the Internet while we are in Northern Ireland because they are on the pound there which is a horrible exchange rate for the dollar right now (or forever - who knows?!) so probably will get back on when we get back down to the Republic of Ireland for our last two days here at Newgrange, unless I find a REALLY good deal on service up north. I have a lot of things to post but can't afford to get them to you right now. Hopefully, you won't mind back-posting things when I get them to you.
We stayed at a really great hostel last night in Sligo - sort of a throwback to the seventies with older local people who were a wealth of information and also very entertaining - we ended up staying "in" for the night because the conversation and company were so good!

Then, as we were heading up to bed, one of the guys running the place (Bill, and slightly younger version of Christopher Lloyd with a very mad scientist hairstyle thing going on) had just come back form a gig down the street with his violin and decided to give us an impromptu mini-show. It was great and just what we needed on a very cold (hailing) and super-windy night. We just sat in comfy chairs and on couches with our hot tea and relaxed.

The place was very clean, quiet, and like being in someone's private home - a nice break from the massive crowds and rugby team/school holiday groups we have been encountering. Please post the above when you get a chance -- it is for 3/28/08, Friday.
Thank you and I love you and have fun at your gig!

Love, Beth

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Friday, March 21, 2008


Crossing the bridge to go to the ruins at Glendalough.
(Glendalough means glen of the two lakes.)

From: "Glendalough, Vale of." Online Photograph. Encyclopædia Britannica
21 March2008

Glendalough's Round Tower and Graveyard from

Historical note from Dad:

Glendalough (Irish: Gleann Dá Loch, meaning Glen of Two Lakes) is a ruined village containing a former monastery located in County Wicklow, Ireland. It was founded in the 6th century by Saint Kevin, a hermit priest, and destroyed in 1398 by English troops.

The monastery and its round tower are today one of the most popular tourist attractions in the county.

Quoted from

Carlene said...Your wonderful photos make it easy to pretend I am traveling through Ireland with you! You look happy and inspired! I hope a laundromat has popped up along the way. Love, Carlene March 24, 2008 10:57 AM

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

WEDNESDAY 03/19/08

Ireland gravel road in the background - near the ruins at Kells.

Ruins at Glendalough in Background

Went to ye' old ruins... and stuff. But was truly a great area for photos - old celtic gravestones. We are now in Kilkenny. Such a classic Irish town.

Colorful Street in Kilkenny
Woke up early to check out of Kilkenny Hostel and wished we were staying in town another night - our favorite so far. Beautiful weather all day and we spent the morning wandering the town separately and in the peaceful morning light with plans to meet up a bit later and do some shopping.

I went to many sights around town and ran into a lovely older lady from Wexford County who also had some time to kill and together we went into the Black Abbey which is still a functioning church holding services daily for Holy Week and was quiet and meditational. She also informed me that we will find most sights busier than we thought because Ireland is out for a 2 to 3 week break over Easter, etc., which we didn't even think of at time of booking. I kept on wondering why all of these kids weren't in school though!

The Black Abbey

Jill and I decided to go into a Dunnes store to pick up some groceries, etc., to keep in the car and only found out when we had already gone through the line and were paying that they did not provide bags and were not excited to make change for semi-large bills even if that was all we had. We were not very popular with the other people in line or with the cashier and looked very strange trying to carry our many food items in jars and cans and loose through the streets the several blocks to our car.

We took a side trip about 10 miles to the small town of Kells (not the same town of Kells known for in the "Book of Kells" - there is more than one of many of the towns out here) - where we ate a picnic lunch and wandered the completely deserted ruins of a town and castle with sheep roaming all around us and a lush green carpet of grass as far as we could see.

Ruins of Kells Priory in Kells, Ireland

Historical note from Dad:

Kells Priory 1193AD
Situated a few miles from Butler Court and Kilkenny City, the astonishing ruins of the priory date back to 1193. Kells Priory is one of Ireland's largest and most impressive medieval sites. It sits like a perfect scale model of a medieval walled city, surrounded by green fields and flanked by the King's River. Two miles south from here stands the impressive Kilree Round Tower and High Cross, which is well worth a visit. Quoted from:

Hello! And, welcome to Kells!

Very happy to have a car regardless of cost - probably best decision of the trip. We are in Cork tonight and tomorrow night and are desperate to do laundry but are having no success in locating a Laundromat...not sure what is going to happen with that. Cork is a smaller more industrial version of Dublin and we are staying at a Hostel that is also a bar. Interesting...

TUESDAY 3/18/08

Map of Ireland

We picked up our rental car in the morning at the Dublin Airport and surprise, surprise - it was DOUBLE what we were quoted when the taxes, licenses and fees/insurance was included - scary, but we will make do by cooking more and keeping groceries in the car (as I am writing this in a cafe the guy behind me is freaking out over the phone about how he somehow got 300 Euros tacked onto his car rental out of nowhere - at least we are not alone on that one! Even when we went out to the lot the other renters were all freaking out!)****

Paul if you are reading this - Bjork is playing over the speakers in the cafe right now!****Jill is driving and I am navigating cause it costs even more to add a second driver to the rental - - she is very brave and we had a few 'other side of the road' moments right at the start, but we are doing great now - THANK YOU JILL!! You're awesome!!

We drove through the Wicklow Mountains and Glendalough area (pronounced Glenda Lock not Glenda Loo according to our B&B host-way for us to sound like total morons!) on our way to Kilkenny which was absolutely stunning! We took a ton of pictures and spent sometime just standing outside absorbing it all camera-free. Kilkenny is great-not at all like Dublin - quiet safe streets at night, spacious Hostel in a great location (although with 3 guys and 3 girls in our room-it smelled a lot like feet throughout the night!)

We went to a pub called Kytelers for the night and it is the best pub on Earth - locals and a few tourists, just busy enough to be interesting, live traditional ballads and super comfy armchairs - we could live there. Jill did a stellar job of super-tight parking behind Hostel.

Kilkenny Castle in Kilkenny, Ireland

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Jill Pictured With The Eye of London

The Eye of London. Also minipulated our way out of paying the twenty bucks to get into Westminster Abbey. Then we headed off to Dublin, where our guesthouse is super nice! And the rain was there to welcome us.
Carlene said... Beth, I know you and Jill are having a wonderful time. Wishing you great adventures to come! Love, Carlene March 18, 2008 4:25 PM
Gerry said... Jill and Beth: It looks like you are having a great adventure so far. Jill: Linda says she has been to Ireland several times and in different seasons, and it has always been cold and wet. She thinks that's just the way it is. Hope you got my email. Love Gerry March 18, 2008 9:31 PM
Paul said...Hey bethums and hey jill, really enjoying this travel blog and have been sharing it with friends. Glad you are having a good time. Buy me things :-)-paul March 19, 2008 4:15 PM
Liz said...Hi Beth and Jill who I don't know! It's Liz! Hope you're having a great time and being little adventurers. Don't be afraid to try new things. Obviously you're not considering the curry fries incident. Have fun and be safe!(i'm jealous) LIZ! March 19, 2008 5:14 PM
Mom said...Hi Beth,This BLOG thing is great! Grandma is really enjoying it and so am I! Keep having fun, and be sure you get sleep so you can stay patient with each other! What an adventure! Love, Mom March 19, 2008 5:27 PM

Beth, in Front of Dublin Castle.

Beth, in front of Dublin Castle. So cold here. Saw a drunk old man almost beat up a guy on the bus - very classic.

Dublin, Ireland, St. Patrick's Day

Dublin. Saint Patrick's day. Could not see the parade though, for all the people. Ha'penney bridge in the background.
Walked into town with the throngs of people from surrounding suburbs and met up with another 2 girls staying at our B&B for the walk. Very nice-from Canada and LA. Parade was big and EXTREMELY busy so we checked it out for a bit and used the free time to wander around the mostly deserted-for-a-change-city (all were at parade!) and tried to check out some of the sights we had missed the day before but our guidebooks failed to mention that apparently St. Pat's day was a holiday and all would be closed. The National Gallery was open however (and free )and had some beautiful art work.
We went to a nice family pub for lunch and then walked more around the city while the bells of Christ Church Cathedral peeled all afternoon-gorgeous! Lots of happy people in the streets and we were hugged in the street by a jolly old Irishman who kissed us both on the cheek and told us his life story out of nowhere. Ate in Dublin's oldest pub the Brazen House and it was not surprisingly packed. All in all a great Saint Patrick's Day!

Monday, March 17, 2008

From Beth on Sunday, March 16, 2008 2:49 PM

Saturday night: Staying at a lovely B&B in a "suburb" of Dublin (Drumcondra) called the Griffith House. By our extreme happiness upon seeing our individual beds and bathroom IN the room after only 2 nights in a London hostel, I would say that we have a lot to get used to on this trip that has only begun. Had a bit of trouble with the toilet 1st night but happy to report that inner-workings of toilets are the same as U.S. and I have things running again for the most part!

Very hungry when we checked in last night and decided to go on the "short" walk to grab a late nite bite. This turned out to be quite cold, far, and in pouring rain. I have now found out that only my left shoe is waterproof. Note to not order curry fries - not what you would imagine they are.

Sunday: spent day in Dublin - cold but sunny and had a great time - many impromptu street songs by slightly-intoxicated Irish men for entertainmen (due to festival tomorrow -- or is this usual behavior on a Sunday afternoon?). Saw Dublin Castle and the National Museum which was FREE and Very interesting. Visited the Temple Bar area by mistake of sorts because it was in the path of many other things (heard not to bother with this area unless you are under 25.)

Ended up eating dinner at a Pub in Temple Bar called the Hairy Lemon after walking for a while unsuccessfully searching for a different Pub and finding out that North King Street and South King Street are nowhere near each other. Had a traditional cottage pie and black tea - was very filling and a lot of fun. Lots of people running around with giant green velvet hats and red "beards". Great day for people watching and probably 1/10th of the crowd we will encounter at the parade tomorrow.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Next Stop is Dublin, Ireland!

Dublin Castle in Dublin, Ireland.
Paul said... I'll bet Dublin is going to be so awesome! March 15, 2008 4:08 AM

Grandma Audrey said... Hi Beth and Jill, Hope you are doing fine. Have a wonderful time and get post cards so I can see the places you've been. Are you going to kiss the blarney stone? Love, Grandma Audrey March 15, 2008 5:08 PM
Mom said...Hi Beth and Jill, Paul and I are at Grandma's, and we showed her your blog. She thought it was great. So do I! Miss you and hope you are having fun. Looks like it was raining in London, big surprise! Love ya tons! Mom
March 15, 2008 5:08 PM

Beth, Pictured Next to a Phone Booth in London

Enjoying London. Went on expensive double-decker bus to see the so-called "must sees" of London and had good Thai food. Dublin tomorrow. Beth, on March 14, 2008.

Paul said...

MMMMMMMM... Thai food....

March 15, 2008 4:06 AM

Friday, March 14, 2008

Where We Are Now

Beth and Jill have arrived in Europe safely and are now in London!

Jane said...

Beth, Have a wonderful time in London and enjoy the many things to do, Tower of London, changing of the guard at Buckingham, the theater district, and try to make a trip to Harrod's if only to see the magnificent order of things! Later, and love, Jane

March 14, 2008 9:08 PM

Paul said...

I am so glad to hear you guys made it in one piece.

March 15, 2008 4:19 AM

Where We Will Be Staying

London Central Hostel Thu 13 Mar 08 - Sat 15 Mar 08

Kilkenny Kilkenny Tourist Hostel Tue 18 Mar 08 - Wed 19 Mar 08

Cork Bru Bar & Hostel Wed 19 Mar 08 - Fri 21 Mar 08

Killarney Neptunes Town Hostel Fri 21 Mar 08 - Sun 23 Mar 08

Shannon Jamaica Inn Sun 23 Mar 08 - Tue 25 Mar 08

Galway Sleepzone Galway City Tue 25 Mar 08 - Thu 27 Mar 08

Clifden Clifden Town Hostel Thu 27 Mar 08 - Fri 28 Mar 08

Sligo The White House Hostel Fri 28 Mar 08 - Sat 29 Mar 08

Derry Derry City Independent Hostel Sat 29 Mar 08 - Sun 30 Mar 08

Ballycastle Sheep Island View Sun 30 Mar 08 - Mon 31 Mar 08

Newgrange The Green Door Hostel Mon 31 Mar 08 - Wed 02 Apr 08

Glasgow Blue Sky Hostel West End Wed 02 Apr 08 - Thu 03 Apr 08

Isle of Skye Skye Backpackers Fri 04 Apr 08 - Sun 06 Apr 08

Inverness Inverness Tourist Hostel Sun 06 Apr 08 - Tue 08 Apr 08

Edinburgh High Street Hostel Tue 08 Apr 08 - Sun 13 Apr 08

Conwy YHA Conwy Sun 13 Apr 08 - Mon 14 Apr 08

Cardiff Nomad Mon 14 Apr 08 - Tue 15 Apr 08

London St. Christopher's Hammersmith Tue 15 Apr 08 - Wed 16 Apr 08

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Beth and Jill Go to Europe!

This blog is being started for Beth and Jill and will contain information as to where they are, what they are seeing and experiencing as they go on their exciting trip to Europe!