Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Dublin, Ireland, St. Patrick's Day

Dublin. Saint Patrick's day. Could not see the parade though, for all the people. Ha'penney bridge in the background.
Walked into town with the throngs of people from surrounding suburbs and met up with another 2 girls staying at our B&B for the walk. Very nice-from Canada and LA. Parade was big and EXTREMELY busy so we checked it out for a bit and used the free time to wander around the mostly deserted-for-a-change-city (all were at parade!) and tried to check out some of the sights we had missed the day before but our guidebooks failed to mention that apparently St. Pat's day was a holiday and all would be closed. The National Gallery was open however (and free )and had some beautiful art work.
We went to a nice family pub for lunch and then walked more around the city while the bells of Christ Church Cathedral peeled all afternoon-gorgeous! Lots of happy people in the streets and we were hugged in the street by a jolly old Irishman who kissed us both on the cheek and told us his life story out of nowhere. Ate in Dublin's oldest pub the Brazen House and it was not surprisingly packed. All in all a great Saint Patrick's Day!

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