Friday, March 14, 2008

Where We Are Now

Beth and Jill have arrived in Europe safely and are now in London!

Jane said...

Beth, Have a wonderful time in London and enjoy the many things to do, Tower of London, changing of the guard at Buckingham, the theater district, and try to make a trip to Harrod's if only to see the magnificent order of things! Later, and love, Jane

March 14, 2008 9:08 PM

Paul said...

I am so glad to hear you guys made it in one piece.

March 15, 2008 4:19 AM


Jane said...

Beth, Have a wonderful time in London and enjoy the many things to do, Tower of London, changing of the guard at Buckingham, the theater district, and try to make a trip to Harrod's if only to see the magnificent order of things! Later, and love, Jane

Paul said...
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