Saturday, March 15, 2008

Next Stop is Dublin, Ireland!

Dublin Castle in Dublin, Ireland.
Paul said... I'll bet Dublin is going to be so awesome! March 15, 2008 4:08 AM

Grandma Audrey said... Hi Beth and Jill, Hope you are doing fine. Have a wonderful time and get post cards so I can see the places you've been. Are you going to kiss the blarney stone? Love, Grandma Audrey March 15, 2008 5:08 PM
Mom said...Hi Beth and Jill, Paul and I are at Grandma's, and we showed her your blog. She thought it was great. So do I! Miss you and hope you are having fun. Looks like it was raining in London, big surprise! Love ya tons! Mom
March 15, 2008 5:08 PM


Paul said...
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Craig W. Clough said...

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Paul said...

Hi Beth and Jill,
Hope you are doing fine. Have a wonderful time and get post cards so I can see the places you've been. Are you going to kiss the blarney stone?
Grandma Audrey

Hi Beth and Jill,
Paul and I are at Grandma's, and we showed her your blog. She thought it was great. So do I! Miss you and hope you are having fun. Looks like it was raining in London, big surprise!
Love ya tons!